Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jamie White

Name, how old are you, and for how long have you been juggling?

I’m Jamie White and I’m 22 years old. I’ve been juggling 2 years seriously, but knew how to juggle 3 balls in the shower pattern and a sloppy cascade since I was somewhere between the ages of 7 and 10. I also juggled the 4 ball shower a bit, probably for just over a qualify.

At what point did you know that juggling was what you wanted to do, and would make up
a critical part of your life?

I knew I was obsessed when I juggled near Posvar Hall on the lawn at the University of Pittsburgh in the summer of 2006. Seeing 5 and 7 ball patterns, including 5 ball siteswaps in person made me very motivated to keep at it. I also have always liked how it can be a social activity where you don’t really need to socialize.
I know what you mean. Jugglers have become experts at standing in a group and throwing their balls up in the air without bothering each other. Really, who else can claim that except for us?

To date, what is the most unusual thing or set of things that you have juggled?

3 pineapples, I guess. I qualified them at a store called “Aldi’s” quite some time ago.

What has your juggling career entailed so far?

I have only done 1 performance (a friend asked me to, I really did not want to or enjoy it) but have a couple paying gigs lined up this summer. I was kind of talked into doing them by other people though, and don’t really plan to pursue further juggling employment opportunities. If they come to me like these ones did though, I will probably do it again.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a hobby driven juggler, though I’m sure many will disagree with me on that point. I find that when I am practicing for performance I have to work on the audience pleasing tricks that aren’t necessarily the tricks I want to be working on at the time. Do you keep the audience in mind at all in your normal practice or would it be safe to assume that this is mainly a hobby for your personal enjoyment?

Thinking about it, it really is just the latter. I only thought of the audience when I was preparing for that performance and the audition for this upcoming thing (the Pittsburgh Regatta and Tour of Pennsylvania). I can say though, that juggling will not be a temporary thing for me like some hobbyist jugglers.

What accomplishments are you most proud of?

Skill-wise, probably 8 ball qualifies. Otherwise, I guess the performance I did because I did not drop.

How many of each type of props do you juggle?

This is always a hard question. I think I can call myself a 6 ball juggler but am not sure I can yet call myself a 7 ball juggler. Just to feel awesome, I will say 7 balls, 4 clubs, and I don’t do rings but did 5 in the past. I work on balls with 9/10ths of my time and clubs for the other tenth.

Considering your mentioning of your 8 ball qualifies just a moment ago, what do you prefer working on: “numbers” or 3-4 ball “tricks”? Do you prefer a creative approach to juggling more common in the low numbers, or do you prefer the high technicality of an 8 ball qualify?

I like the technical aspect of juggling but there are often patterns I like because of how they look or feel as well. I have been telling myself that 7 balls is enough, and once I get that relatively solid I’ll only work on 8+ balls occasionally. Actually, I don’t really work on 8+ balls anymore, due to arm pain, but that is slowly getting better. I work on getting lower numbered stuff smooth as much as I can because a solid pattern feels awesome. I also realize that numbers juggling can only go so far for anyone and if you want to keep juggling you should be able to appreciate and enjoy other aspects of it. For me, I think this will be how a pattern feels. Let me explain that. I think I will be able to continue juggling because of how patterns feel once they are solid and run-able. Certain patterns just feel awesome no matter how many balls or clubs there are.

Do you specialize in any auxiliary props or non juggling circus arts?


I realize that this is not at all juggling related, but do you have any other talents, skills or hobbies? I don’t want you getting off on that last question quite that easy.

Oh my. Well, I play piano and got into school on it for music composition. I also have a knack for mathematics and am double majoring in it.

Generally speaking, do you wear socks while you juggle?

Yeah almost all the time.

At what types of venues do you usually perform?

My one and only performance was at a school, Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.

Anything amusing or unique ever happen at one of these shows?

Well, I did not know there were overhead lights at the show and when I went into 3 ball overheads was nearly blinded but survived.

Are you a clown?

No. If someone wants to be a clown that juggles, go ahead. I really don’t like the idea of jugglers being laughed at for juggling though. I think it is a skill that should be treated with the respect of other skills, like playing the piano or tennis.

Do you really think that a juggler should be held on the same level as a pianist? Surely a piano player would laugh at this hypothesis. How exactly can we as jugglers go about getting the “respect” we deserve?

This question is freaking awesome, because I just mentioned that I am a pianist in that other question and you did not know that. Anyway, I don’t laugh at that hypothesis at all (some pianists might, though). Of course jugglers should be thought of in the same regard, if not higher. The highest leveled jugglers, technically, have probably dedicated themselves to their craft as much as the best concert pianists. I think the main thing jugglers can do to garner respect is to just keep juggling and showing other people how to juggle. There are probably better measures, though.

Alright fair enough on me missing the piano part. Even David Stephens isn’t perfect.
What makes up a standard juggling practice for you?

I always stretch first, probably for like 2-5 minutes. Then I will do basic 3 ball stuff. Pirouettes, showers on both sides. Basically trying to do everything as solid as possible. Then I move on to 4 balls, again doing some shower stuff as well as possible on both sides. I don’t think about it much, but apparently I try to shower on both sides a lot. It really shows in the solidity of my right handed showers (I’m left handed) but unfortunately I have never really felt it transfer to other stuff...It’s just such a different trick that uses your brain in a different way, I think. I will do some 4 ball pirouettes, as well as possible. I will generally do 53 all 4 ways for a bit. I guess this is all part of my warm up. I had been doing overheads with 4 a lot, but my arms hurt and I have been avoiding them lately.

Then, I will move on to 5 balls where I guess my real practice begins. I feel bad because I don’t like to start this section of my practice without all the build-up stuff, but once I get here it feels good. Right now my obsession is 3 period 5 ball siteswaps like 753,744,645(both ways), and 663. I’ll also work on 3 ups into and out of these. Sometimes I will do a 5 up, but I don’t feel like I should try to solidify that one yet. I had also been getting overheads but haven’t done them lately. I generally work on stuff that people around me are working on because it is easier for me to understand the pattern.
The end of my practice usually consists of 7 ball cascade stuff, but lately I have been getting back to 6 ball stuff. I’m close to the 4 up and have gotten it cleanly in wimpy and synch, but I don’t think I have qualified after while doing it asynch yet.

You mention juggling with the people around you, is it safe to say that you juggle with others a lot? Obviously you are active in a juggling club.

I do juggle with the people at my club a lot. It is a very small juggling club, though, and right now there are only 3 regulars including myself.

What is it that will make you want to pick up your props tomorrow and keep juggling?

Seeing videos and being motivated, but most of all the guys at my juggling club!

What goals are you currently working towards?

7 ball cascade over 100 catches and more consistent 30+ catch runs. I also work towards better endurance lately as my arms suck. This mostly consists of cardio (bike riding or running), pushups and crunches.

Which prop is your favorite to juggle? Any specific reasoning?

Balls/beanbags. Probably because they are my best prop. Also, I don’t juggle rings. I did for a couple months but did not really like them. I also have only done clubs on and off because the guy that motivates me to do clubs is only here in the summers.

Are there any specific jugglers that inspire you?

The most inspired I have ever been was by this video:
Otherwise, I am also inspired by seeing videos of people working on stuff I’m working on. This makes me motivated to go out and try it more. Pretty anti-original but I don’t think I am far along enough to go for my own style.

Do you have any “claims to fame” in the juggling community?

Not really. The “Pittsburgh Jugglers” series is pretty sweet, but I’m always doing sloppy stuff in them. I’m in Synergy I though! There is also a guy at my juggling club that is progressing insanely fast and might end up doing something with it.

Where do you see yourself in terms of juggling in a month, a year, 10 years?

In a month, probably about where I am right now. Hopefully my arms will be a bit stronger, cause right now I am taking frequent breaks.
In a year, I will hopefully be over 100 catches with 7 balls and have more consistency. I can do it if I practice more than I did last year while school was in session.
In 10 years...I don’t know.

Art or Sport?

It can be both but I see it much more from the sport perspective. I also see it as a social activity that falls into neither category, like a game.

Balls, Beanbags, or Russians?

I juggle beanbags most. I also like rice-filled tennis balls. I hate the feeling of stage balls.

If there is one thing you would like the juggling community to know about you, what would it be?

I try really hard.

Grace Bidgood

Behind the Juggler Presents: Grace Bidgood

Name, how old are you, and for how long have you been juggling?
My name is Grace Bidgood, I’m seventeen, and I have been juggling for about a year and three months.

At what point did you know that juggling was what you wanted to do, and would make up a critical part of your life?
I guess at the beginning. I took up juggling after a hard year of struggling with shoulder problems and surgery. I found juggling didn’t hurt like my other activities did and I discovered I have a natural talent to do it.

To date, what is the most unusual thing or set of things that you have juggled?
Hamburger patties, using spatulas instead of my hands, it got messy quickly.

Was that at all successful? I have played around with trying to juggle tennis balls using racquets and baseballs using gloves etc but have always found the substitute “hands” to not function nearly as well.
No, it wasn’t very successful… it ended in disaster.

What has your juggling career entailed so far?
Well lots of shows, and the lessons that come with performing, like learning how to treat an audience, or learning what people like to see in a juggling act. Juggling has also enabled me to socialize with people, young and old, it has given me a chance to talk with them.

What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Probably opening my business, Juggling with Grace. It takes a lot just to open a business, but there is also advertising and getting your name out there. I’m also proud that I broke seven balls before a year had even passed.

At this point I have to ask the obvious given your name and your usage with the juggling, am I safe to assume that faith plays a large role in your life/juggling or would that assumption be completely off?
Yes, it does, I like to use it for examples during the talks I give during my small group situations.

There are many jugglers who use a Christian message. Chris Fowler and myself both have fathers who are pastors and as such you will notice a lot of our videos shot inside of churches since they are also great places to practice! David Cain of course is another great example. How many of each type of props do you juggle?
I can juggle seven balls, six rings, and five clubs.

Do you specialize in any auxiliary props or non juggling circus arts?
No, not specialize, but I do mess around with devil sticks, or crystal sticks.

Crystal sticks sound like a drug from the Star Wars Universe, what exactly are they?
It’s another name for devil sticks, some people call devil sticks crystal sticks, it does sound like something in Star Wars though.

Generally speaking, do you wear socks while you juggle?
Yes I do, but I try to practice wearing shoes that I would wear while doing a show.

That’s actually a very practical answer. At what types of venues do you usually perform?
Schools are the most frequent and then small festivals around town.

Anything amusing or unique ever happen at one of these shows?
During one of the shows I did for an elementary school I dropped a ring off stage and the kids started fighting over who got to put it back on stage because who would miss out on touching a ring from the juggler? I had to break it up before they bent my ring.

Are you a clown?
No I am not a clown, never, never, ever.

What makes up a standard juggling practice for you?
After I stretch I usually do the basics of balls, rings, clubs, and then I work on specific tricks, then numbers, and finally end with improvisation time where I try to be as creative as possible. Then I stretch again. This routine would change a little while I would be filming.

What is it that will make you want to pick up your props tomorrow and keep juggling?
My mom, I want her to be proud of my accomplishments when I meet her. It is also a way for me to express myself and release stress so it is quite necessary at times.

What goals are you currently working towards?
I want to be able to express feelings and messages through my juggling, so I’m working on being more expressive in my body movement and juggling. I also want to teach other teens how to juggle so they can relax when they’re stressed.

I personally have found over the years of juggling, that it is no longer a way to combat stress. When I am feeling stressed and attempt to juggle it only makes matters worse as I’ll get into fights with my props for not doing what I want them to. Often I find that juggling is one of the most stressful things that I do because I have a vision in my mind that I want to see in the air. How do you ensure that your juggling remains a stress reliever and not fall into the same traps that I have?
I do fall into that trap sometimes but it’s usually when I am working on really hard tricks, and I work on hard tricks when I’m stressed because when I do nail the trick I feel very good. So when I start getting frustrated I just work on easier tricks and lower numbers.

Which prop is your favorite to juggle? Any specific reasoning?
I like clubs the most; there are so many possibilities with them, like spinning, manipulation, and normal juggling. They’re also a favorite of audiences.

Since you bring up the view of the audience, how important is it to you to keep in mind the appeal of the visuals for the audience during your practice? Do you find yourself a “performance” motivated juggler, or a “hobby’ motivated juggler?
Since I opened my entertaining business I have made sure that the routines I do are pleasing for both the audience to watch and for me to do

Are there any specific jugglers that inspire you?
A woman that I met at last years IJA named Melissa, she encouraged me to keep up juggling because she saw the potential in me.
Wes Peden is another inspiration to me I love his creativity.

Do you have any “claims to fame” in the juggling community?
Yes, last year I was awarded the Most Promising Female Juggler of 2007 by the Flamingo club.

Where do you see yourself in terms of juggling in a month, a year, 10 years?
In a month, in terms of numbers, I see myself solidifying my seven-ball cascade, along with six rings, and working on six clubs. In terms of artistic ability I will be working on making my body movement and juggling flow together. In a year, in terms of numbers, I see myself working on nine balls, seven or eight rings, and seven clubs. In terms of artistic ability, I hope to have a unique style and form. In ten years, whew, I hope to have a solid nine-ball cascade, a solid nine-ring cascade, and a solid seven-club cascade. I also hope to have plenty of performing experience and experiences under my belt, and to have a solidified creative style.

Lofty goals! I’m sensing an obvious passion for numbers juggling, but the creativity juices you are talking about makes me wonder about your lower numbers. What do you enjoy working on more? Also, which do you find it easier to be creative with?
I like lower numbers better because I can be more creative with the confidence I have with in my skill with lower numbers. I juggle numbers because I want women to be more respected in that area.

Art or Sport?
I think it depends on the mind-set of the person who will be juggling, for me I approach it with an artistic mind set, but to others it can be a sport, it’s up to them.

Balls, Beanbags, or Russians?
Sport juggling balls, I love them!

If there is one thing you would like the juggling community to know about you, what would it be?
I want to ultimately open a creative arts center where teens can come and learn art in all different forms, dancing, playing instruments, and even juggling. I want it to be a safe place where teens that have troubles can come and get counseling and learn how to deal with everyday stress and abuse by releasing their feelings through the arts that they can learn and develop at the center.

Dealing with stress as well as dealing with troubles is coming across as a very strong passion of yours. It is amazing that you have such clear life goals and aims while still being in your teens. I really hope everything works out for you the best that it can. I’m sure others will be interested in how everything works out for you, so be sure to keep us updated with everything over the next couple of years.